Triple Crown Residence I is a four-storey condominium residence with ground floor commercial space along Whirlaway Crescent in the City of Langford on Victoria's West Shore.
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Five commercial units totalling 6,525 square feet front onto Whirlaway Crescent.

Triple Crown condo dev near Costco launches 123 suites in final phase with 5% deposits, pricing from $375k
Hot condo market throughout Victoria's West Shore suburbs fast-tracks final phase of Triple Crown condominiums in Langford.

94% sold-out, Langford's #MyBelmont community to release third phase of condos this summer
Soaring demand for West Shore condos fast-tracks new pre-sale release adjacent to Belmont Market Shopping Centre.

Future north Langford schools boost demand for value-focused Triple Crown condos near Costco
Two recently announced schools in north Langford respond to rapid growth of the McCallum Road corridor north of the TCH.

Affordable Langford condos launch second phase of Triple Crown project near Costco
Featuring market leading pricing on two-bedroom condominiums on Victoria's Westshore, Triple Crown Residence II is geared towards first-time and investor buyers.