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Hold on. Condominium project? I recall this being approved as a rental.
Originally yes. But Reliance said financing as a rental was not tenable a few months after approval so council agreed to change it to strata.
10 (15?) years ago this was the most important development to ‘get right’ - as it was the architectural crown jewel entrance to downtown, and all that debate about public space sold to a greedy developer - it all seems so myopic now.
I’d be happy with a Tim’s drive thru on that lot now.
And yes, this has dragged on for so long now.
Big question is, how will a condo that is likely to need somewhat big dollars to make sense, going to fare without parking? This is going to be a great study case for downtown.
Great point Mike. We are seeing a lot less parking with new buildings downtown and while there is a market for this not everyone is car-less. Starlight pushed back on reducing the parking at Harris Green which I have to think was because they believe they would have difficulty renting 2/3 of the units with no parking. I would also expect a higher % of strata owners to have cars than renters.
So on the one hand No parking in a strata building may be a hard sell. But its a boutique building in a prime location with float planes practically at your door step so may be great for the right demographic. Will definitely be interesting to see how presales go when they start.

Harris Green parking lot envisioned for 23-storey rental tower with zero parking
269-unit purpose-built rental tower will adapt to council's auto-lite vision for downtown Victoria, with no on-site provisions for parking.

Northern Junk development approved by Victoria council after 11-years of municipal wrangling
A 47-unit rental project on lands adjacent to downtown's Johnson Street Bridge will proceed to construction.

Northern Junk, Capital Iron lands and Victoria real-estate development Q&A with Jon Stovell of Reliance Properties
Jon Stovell discusses Reliance Properties' two million square feet of local development potential.

11-years since first Northern Junk proposal emerged, Reliance Properties readies for public hearing
Proponents anticipate the City of Victoria to decide on the project's fate later this year.

Decade-long pursuit of approvals yields another revision for Northern Junk rental proposal
Reliance Properties heads before Committee of the Whole to seek public hearing support from council.

Victoria council approves affordable condo and rental devs, but sends Northern Junk project back to drawing board
Over 200-units of housing were approved by the City as Northern Junk proposal enters second decade of planning.

Developer behind Janion Hotel restoration and Northern Junk proposal receives national honour
Jon Stovell of Reliance Properties has been awarded a 2019 Governors' Award by the...

Art Deco-styled Victoria office complex sold to Vancouver developer; eyed for restoration, more floors
Completed in 1940, 780 Blanshard Street served as the headquarters for the province's mid-century electrification efforts.

Victoria’s trepidation over bridge land sell-off forces Northern Junk proposal to slim down, nix condos in favour of rentals
Redesign number seven may be the lucky vision for a near decade-long planning process for a harbourfront development site.