Ravens Crossing Cohousing is a four-storey cohousing project along the 2300-block of Brethour Avenue and the 9900-block of Seventh Street in the Town of Sidney on Victoria's Saanich Peninsula.
Cohousing, not to be confused with co-operative housing, is a market condominium development that operates through a consensus-based model of decision making in lieu of an elected strata-based model.
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An artist's rendering of Ravens Crossing Cohousing, a 34-unit residential project earmarked for the Town of Sidney on Victoria's Saanich Peninsula. If built, Ravens Crossing will be the Capital Region's third cohousing community.
Ravens Crossing Cohousing proposal seeks to bring third cohousing community to Greater Victoria
A proposal to build 34-units of market cohousing on the Saanich Peninsula has been submitted to the Town of Sidney for approvals.
This application was endorsed by Council last night and will go to Advisory Planning Commission. I imagine it will go forward on Feb 5, but can't confirm that.
Just one unit remaining out of 35. The project got underway earlier this year.

Condominium cohousing projects underway in Sooke and Sidney deliver alternatives to strata-managed market housing
Cohousing concept making gains in Capital Region as two condominiums slated for 2021 completion.

Ravens Crossing Cohousing proposal seeks to bring third cohousing community to Greater Victoria
A 34-unit cohousing project, otherwise known as a condominium with a consensus-based approach to decision making, has been proposed for the Town of Sidney.