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Victoria Change City
Dockside Green's Tyee Road build-out will feature two condo towers of 19 and 16-storeys

A rendering, looking northwest towards Tyee Road, depicts Dockside Green's upcoming phase of condominiums in the form of two highrise towers standing 19 (at left) and 16-storeys tall. The buildings will complete Dockside Green's Tyee Road frontage.  Bosa Development

Dockside Green's Tyee Road build-out will feature two condo towers of 19 and 16-storeys
Mike Kozakowski,
Bosa Development will continue the build-out of its Dockside Green project’s Tyee Road frontage with two residential towers, Citified has learned.
The company has submitted plans to the City of Victoria seeking development permits for a duo of Vic West condominiums rising 16 and 19-storeys, with the shorter tower slated for 343 Tyee Road adjacent to Bosa’s nearly completed trio of 13-to-16-storey condominium and rental towers, and its 19-storey counterpart at 90 Esquimalt Road overlooking the intersection of Tyee and Esquimalt roads.
The combined unit total will deliver nearly 300-suites in studio, one, two and three-bedroom layouts. Underground parking will yield just under 370 stalls, or a ratio of 1.25 total parking spots per unit including visitor, car-share and accessible parking.
As part of this upcoming ‘Dockside Commons’ phase of the Dockside Green masterplan – a mixed-use investment stretching across 15-acres on former railroad grounds from the Bay Street Bridge to Esquimalt Road between Tyee and Harbour roads – will be pedestrian realm improvements better accommodating the entry point into Dockside Green from Esquimalt Road. To facilitate this, Bosa plans to build what the company is calling the Tyee Gateway, a multi-modal convergence of transportation options that include buses, car-shares, cycling and walking, plus a thoroughfare known as Dockside Crescent (connecting Esquimalt and Tyee roads by cutting into Dockside lands from east of the 19-storey tower and running to the north of the 16-storey tower and south of the 16-storey rental tower currently under construction).
Dockside Commons will also complete what is known as the Dockside Greenway, a publicly accessible urban park that stretches from the project’s initial phases at the Tyee Road connection of Harbour Road, and will eventually terminate near Esquimalt Road at Tyee Road.
In terms of sustainability (a driving factor behind the Dockside Green concept), Bosa’s upcoming towers will exceed energy conservation guidelines by 12%, reduce by 40% indoor water use compared to what Bosa calls “standard” new buildings in the City of Victoria, and lower outdoor water use by 50%. All parking stalls will be pre-wired for electric vehicle charging, while solar panels will provide energy for lighting underground parkades. 164 new trees, Bosa says, will be 'introduced' as part of this phase of development.
Dockside Commons site plant.
The site plan for Dockside Commons, the final phase of development at Dockside Green along the project's Tyee Road frontage. Dockside Commons will feature multi-modal transportation infrastructure, including a vehicle laneway called Dockside Crescent.  RH Architects / Bosa Development 
Amenities for residents will include communal rooftop spaces and interior amenity areas.
Reaching occupancy this year at Dockside Green are two condominium towers, standing 13 and 14-storeys tall, and a 16-storey rental tower, totalling over 350-units collectively within what is known as the Tyee - Greenway precinct. The highrises are the first buildings delivered under Bosa, which acquired the Dockside Green lands in late 2017 from Vancouver-based credit union VanCity.
Dockside's future phases include a 15-storey tower on Esquimalt Road near Harbour Road (to the east of the 19-storey condominium tower), along with five and two-storey lowrises north of the 15-storey tower, all known as the Dockside Landing precinct. A four-storey building will be constructed along Harbour Road adjacent to the project’s on-site sewage treatment facility. Further east at the Bay Street Bridge end, Bosa has identified two more buildings standing eight and 15-storeys tall, within a Dockside Waterfront precinct.
In terms of building heights, the upcoming Dockside Commons will feature the tallest highrise at Dockside Green.
Approved in 2003 and underway since 2005, Dockside Green stalled in 2009 following the completion of several mid-rise residential towers and low-rise commercial buildings between Tyee and Harbour roads.
After a construction hiatus that was largely blamed on the 2008 financial market collapse, VanCity parted ways with then partner Windmill Developments and moved to significantly alter a previously-approved masterplan by reducing the square footage of individual buildings while introducing a revised vision for unbuilt parcels.
As the future of Dockside Green was making its way through the municipal planning process, construction restarted in 2016 with VanCity partnering with Catalyst Community Developments Society to build the 49-unit Madrona affordable housing complexes along Harbour Road.
A year later the project would be sold to Bosa Development, which began construction on three residential towers in 2020. C
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