142 seniors' care apartments will comprise of independent supported living, assisted living, and community care units.
Situated at the corner of Gorge Road and Admirals Road, the facility displaced the historic Brookman's Grocery building, although the developer will rehabilitate the structure and re-purpose it elsewhere on the property.
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Yellow, yellow, and more yellow.
Say Hello to Amica at the Gorge.
At least 3 shades of yellow!
Yellow, yellow, and more yellow....
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Do you want it pretty or affordable?
It's certainly not the former, and is there proof of the latter? How much would it have cost to have added a bit variety to the paint colours anyway?

Eight upcoming seniors' residences you need to know about
If your loved ones are nearing the age where seniors housing is a viable option, this list of upcoming projects will help you plan ahead.