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Eh, they're from decades ago when density was less a concern. I live there; the complex has undergone recent updates, with new carpet, paint, fixtures etc.
I meant no offense to the residents of the FT apartments, but that sort of massing is just plain ugly. I am sure we can do better today.
Is that a tongue-in-cheek jab of the double posted photo or a genuine architectural sentiment?
It bears repeating, there are some very long lowrise apartment blocks in Victoria. Some of them are very long. I think the one on Begbie would have the longest continuous hallway if you were to straighten it all out. (Don't actually attempt it, we're just musing here.)
That rendering is nearly 18 months old: any substantive changes, or is that proposal "it"?

Multi-acre mixed-use project moves forward on Sooke Road at Happy Valley Road in Langford
A large residential and commercial development combining a re-alignment of Glen Lake Road is now underway at 2706 Sooke Road.

Offices, apartments and Glen Lake Rd. realignment planned as part of Sooke Rd. dev
Three high-density residential buildings and an office complex have been proposed for Sooke Road at Happy Valley Road in Langford.