Craigflower Community & Performing Arts Centre is a 10,000 square foot Scottish cultural centre on the Craigflower Manor House National Historic Site property along the Old Island Highway at Admirals Road in the township of View Royal in Victoria's urban core.
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Construction underway for Scottish community centre at View Royal's Craigflower Manor House National Historic Site
55 parking spots for a hall with a capacity of 500?
The Craigflower Community and Performing Arts Centre is under construction and association president Jim Maxwell said it will be complete by the end of August and open to the public in September if all continues to go well.
“It’s extremely exciting, the whole group is looking forward to it,” he said. “It’s a lot of work getting it together and it will be a lot of work operating it, but it is such a spectacular site.”
‘It is spectacular’: $4M Scottish centre opening soon in View Royal
The 10,000-square-foot, $4.37-million building features a large common area with a professional-grade sprung dance floor, plenty of washrooms, a bar, greenroom, meeting room, storage spaces and an outdoor amphitheatre. A kitchen is in the plans, but won’t be operational immediately due to supply issues with the cooking appliances.
The design is specially chosen by the association to reflect historical Scottish architecture. The entire structure is a single-story circle featuring massive exposed wood beams arranged similarly to a Celtic knot in the centre of the building.
The exterior is to be clad in stone, with large windows facing the historic Craigflower Manor next door. Opposing windows offer views of the water, and the entire building is slightly sunk into the earth so as not to completely disrupt views of the manor from the street.
This place sounds terribly colonial. It should be shut down immediately.

Construction underway for Scottish community centre at View Royal's Craigflower Manor House National Historic Site
After eight year planning phase, Scottish community hub slated for summer 2022 completion.

Scottish cultural centre envisioned for View Royal's Craigflower Manor lands
Victoria Highland Games Association unveils vision for 10,000 square foot Craigflower Hall on Old Island Highway at Admirals Road.