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First house next to the road is framed up; only a tall one-storey. When's the last time a one-storey house was built in Victoria?
Some lots are being flipped by owners already.
There is a brand new one storey on Ash Rd.
Were I very rich, I wouldn't care for either of them, lol.
I'm assuming that the taxes are based on the bare land value, and don't include the houses? Both of those places are 2x my house value, and yet their taxes are *less* than mine!
I think they said the lots will go for around $600,000 each. I'm thinking no house will be built less than 3000 square feet on these lots.
I think Saanich screwed up here. They should have only allowed the removal from the ALR only on condition of higher density.
4125 Alberg Lane

Alberg family farm in Saanich's Blenkinsop Valley sold to developers
Sixteen single-family-dwellings are planned for the Alberg family farm recently removed from the Agricultural Land Reserve.