Citified is the most comprehensive resource for researching a new-build home or commercial space in metro Victoria and southern Vancouver Island.
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Citified Plus for Developers - reach our monthly audience of 1 million people

Connecting with Citified's audience of 30,000 to 60,000 individuals per month, and an organic 1 million unique person reach via Citified Media's network, spells success for tech-savvy developers and project marketers. Watch our video to learn how. Then review Citified's marketing opportunities for your project. When you're ready to utilize Citified's powerful technology to promote your project, contact us.

Note: if you're looking to promote a business, service or product, please see Citified Plus for Advertisers.


Citified is Victoria's most comprehensive resource for new-build homes and commercial properties, which means your project is already in our database and is accessible to consumers researching local new-build real-estate. Ensure your project gets the exposure it deserves and generates valuable leads with Citified's unique and highly effective marketing solutions for developers and project marketers.

Jump to:
Step 1: Generate leads by upgrading your free project profile to a Citified Plus project profile
Step 2: Select marketing options exclusive to Citified Plus project profile
Step 3: Select marketing options available to all project marketers
Step 4: Contact us and let's get started!

 Step 1: Generate leads by upgrading your free project profile to a Citified Plus project profile

It all starts here. A Citified Plus project profile builds on your free profile with over 30 additional fields of data and exclusive marketing opportunities. An engaging, unabridged presence on Citified translates to higher consumer retention and product awareness, and generates sales leads.

Below is a comparison of a Citified Plus project profile and a free project profile:

Project data fields and listing features

Citified Plus project profile

Free project profile

Enhanced introductory project description
Introductory project description -
Project website link
Project Facebook link
Project Twitter link
Project Pinterest link
Project Instagram link
Project name
Project address
Project map
Project use
Project secondary use(s)
Project status
Construction start date
Construction completion date
Project photo
Construction photo updates at 5-to-6 month intervals -
Construction photo updates at regular intervals -
Construction photo updates shared on Citified's and VibrantVictoria's social media
Number of storeys
Residential units or commercial square footage
Building height
Gross floor area
Senior living details
Primary building material
Parking types
Total parking stalls
Visitor parking stalls
Number of electric car charging stations
Heritage building categorization
Building amenities
Project architect, contractor and developer
Enhanced developer profile
Unit pricing
Sales status
Target market
Unit types
Unit sizes
Ceiling heights
Link to floor plans
Unit descriptions
Parking stall availability with each unit
Unit features
Appliances details
Bathroom details
Financing details
Finishing details
Flooring details
Heating details
Security details
Warranty details
Window details
Show centre address
Show centre map
Show centre telephone number
Show centre email address
Commercial leasing agent contact information
Additional remarks
Project discussion/comments from VibrantVictoria
Eligible to secure a homepage mosaic tile (info)
Eligible to secure a category-wide Must-See Listing (info)
Eligible for 'see also' links on competing projects (info)
Eligible for 728x90 pixel advertisement (info)
Save 10% on select adverting options (info)
Note: some data fields differ between building uses.    


Citified Plus project profile rates

 Condos/rentals/townhomes/subdivisions/office-commercial: $399 per month per individual project listing on Citified.

A lifetime Citified Plus project profile is available for any project in any category for a one-time fee. A lifetime upgrade extends from project inception through project sell-out and beyond, and includes additional promotional benefits at no cost. Contact us to discuss a lifetime Citified Plus project profile for your project (please select "Lifetime Citified Plus" as an advertising option on the contact form at the bottom of this page).

 Step 2:  Select marketing options exclusive to Citified Plus project profiles

Your Citified Plus project profile provides consumers with unabridged information. Now take the next step and promote your project to Citified's audience through marketing opportunities only available for Citified Plus enabled profiles.

Jump to:
Homepage mosaic
Must-See Listings box
728x90 pixel advertisement

 Homepage mosaic

Citified's homepage mosaic prominently displays seven random projects with every page refresh. Get noticed by 'locking' your project to a mosaic tile for guaranteed, cost-effective exposure.

This highly visible, high-traffic marketing opportunity is only available with a Citified Plus project profile described in Step 1 above.

Citified mosaic placements.

Homepage mosaic rates

 #1 - $375 per month
 #2 - $350 per month
 #3 - $325 per month
 #4 - $650 per month
 #5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 - $275 per month

 Must-See Listings box

Get in front of your competition with a prominent link in the Must-See Listings box situated on the right-hand column of every listing in your project's category. Your project name will also include an eye-catching ' ' symbol to set your project apart on category-specific and data lists on Citified.

This highly visible, high-traffic marketing opportunity is only available with a Citified Plus project profile described in Step 1 above.

Must-See listings box

Must-see Listings box rate

 $275 per month.

 728x90 pixel advertisement

The 728x90 pixel advertisement is seen on every page across Citified in the header to the right of the Citified logo.

This highly visible, high-traffic marketing opportunity is only available with a Citified Plus project profile described in Step 1 above.

728x90 pixel advertisement

728x90 pixel advertisement rates

 $400 per month for up to five months ($350 per month for six months or more)

 Step 3:  Select marketing options available to all project marketers

The following marketing opportunities are available to all project marketers and developers with or without a Citified Plus project profile.

Jump to:
300x250 or 300x600 pixel advertisement
Company profile and project listings
Wallpaper advertisement
'You may be interested in' link
Search drop-down

 300x250 and 300x600 pixel advertisement

300x250 and 300x600 pixel advertisement boxes appear throughout Citified and each represents a high exposure opportunity. Positioned along the right-hand column, between data on Citified's lists, and at other strategic locations, your 300x250 or 300x600 pixel ad will circulate throughout every placement, all day, for the duration of your campaign. This means every advertiser receives the same ratio of exposure all day, every day. Multi-month campaigns may be eligible for exposure on VibrantVictoria, Citified's community discussion partner.

300x250 pixel advertisement

300x250 or 300x600 pixel advertisement rates

 300x250: $600 per month for up to five months with a combo package on
 300x250: $550 per month for six months or more with a combo package on

 300x600 (large box): $750 per month for up to five months with a combo package on
 300x600 (large box): $700 per month for six months or more with a combo package on

 Company profile and project listings

Make your past development accomplishments known to Citified's audience with your customized company profile and project list.

Your profile will include a self-authored description about your company together with your contact information. Citified already links your profile with all of your active affiliated projects on Citified and displays your business name and a link to your profile under each project's Companies heading, and with an enhanced listing you can add past projects to your profile to give consumers a sense of your company's development history and achievements.

Company profile

List your company

Personalized business profile and project list

 $250 enhanced project profile one-time fee (includes your first project database entry)
 $150 one-time fee for each past (non-active) project database entry


 Wallpaper advertisement

Grab the attention of every visitor on Citified with a dedicated, 100% exposure wallpaper advertisement. Flanking the left and right side of Citified's content, your advertisement will be prominently displayed site-wide to every visitor, all day, every day, for the duration of your campaign.

Wallpaper advertisement

Wallpaper advertisement rates

 $850 per month for one side
 $1,500 per month for two sides, for up to three months
 $1,250 per month for two sides, for over three months

 'You may be interested in' link

Think outside the box and target any competing project with a 'You may be interested in' link on the targeted project's profile. The link is displayed at the bottom of the project's description above the project's data. This link is strategically positioned to be highly noticeable and targets only your selected competitors.

You may be interested in

'You may be interested in' link rate

 $100 per project, per month, with a minimum of five projects.
 $80 per project, per month, with a minimum of 10 projects.

 Search drop-down

Have your project appear in the search drop-down list when a consumer searches for a competing project by name. For example, typing in Project 'S' into the search box immediately displays a drop-down with your project, Project 'B,' along with Project 'S'. This is a great way to have consumers notice your project when specifically searching for another.

Search drop-down

Search drop-down rate

 $25 per project, per month, with a minimum of five projects
 $20 per project, per month, with a minimum of 10 projects

 Step 4: Contact us and let's get started!

We're excited for the opportunity to work with you and become an integral part of your project marketing strategy. Please be as thorough as possible in the form below. Once we receive your inquiry a representative will contact you.

* First name
* Direct phone number
* Email address
* Last name
* Company name
* Name of the project you wish to promote
* Please describe your project, your marketing timelines, and provide us with important information regarding your marketing campaign.