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Support pillars at Uptown Shopping Centre's parkade draw attention - here's what's happening

Support pillars have been erected in the parking levels below Uptown Shopping Centre's branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, which is expanding and requires the use of heavy construction machinery. C. Roloson via Facebook

Support pillars at Uptown Shopping Centre's parkade draw attention - here's what's happening
Expansion plans by an existing tenant at Saanich’s Uptown Shopping Centre have necessitated the erection of weight-bearing support pillars throughout a portion of the mall’s parkade to provide structural support for construction activity.
The recent addition of hundreds of beams in the 'green' portion of the parkade will accommodate tenant improvements at Uptown’s branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, which is situated on the upper level of the shopping centre near Whole Foods.
“This work requires shoring in place throughout all the levels of the parkade [below the bank branch] for heavy equipment and machinery traversing the top level. Directional information and signage is currently being installed to best advise customers,” said Kristy Lowes, the General Manager at Uptown Shopping Centre.


The support pillars are expected to remain in place until heavy construction work completes, which is estimated for July 15th. C

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