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Victoria Change City
Residential highrise pitched for downtown Langford

A massing model of a 10-storey mixed-use residential and ground floor commercial development proposed for downtown Langford. The building is eyed for two lots at 2762 and 2768 Claude Road near the intersection of Peatt and Goldstream roads.  City of Langford

Residential highrise pitched for downtown Langford
A 10-storey residential tower with ground floor commercial space has been proposed near the intersection of Peatt and Goldstream roads in downtown Langford.
Eyed for two lots at 2762 and 2768 Claude Road, Langford-based real-estate consultants DB Services Inc. is seeking approvals to build approximately 117 residences throughout nine levels above a single floor of retail space. The building’s multi-storey underground parkade will provide parking for approximately 120 vehicles.
The form of residential usage, whether rental or strata-titled, has not been confirmed. The City of Langford is treating the development proposal as a residential project and has not required the proponents to commit to any one form of housing.
If approved and built, the building will stand as the tallest structure in downtown Langford, although the title of the municipality’s tallest building will remain with Bear Mountain’s 11-storey Finlayson Reach condominium.
The Claude Road proposal is certainly not out of the ordinary for the municipality. Plans to build residential highrises in the downtown area have appeared with regularity before Langford's planning department over the last decade, albeit none of which have materialized. Among the concepts was a two-tower, 10-storey residential development along Goldstream Road, and a 14-storey seniors residence was once envisioned on Jacklin Road at Station Avenue. And outside of downtown Langford both the Bear Mountain and Westhills developments (north and west of Langford's city centre, respectively) envision highrise towers standing at least 15-storeys tall. Thus far, however, only a single 11-storey tower has been erected. C

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