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Real-time BC Transit bus tracking technology coming to Victoria in 2018

BC Transit buses will be equipped with real-time tracking technology in 2018. Transit riders will have the ability to tap into bus locations via smartphone and web-based apps, and at key transit exchanges throughout the region.

Real-time BC Transit bus tracking technology coming to Victoria in 2018
Technology making it possible for riders to track BC Transit buses operating throughout the Capital Region is on-schedule for release in 2018, Citified has learned.
A request for proposals issued by the provincial transit authority in January is believed to have yielded an organization that will be responsible for delivering real-time tracking capability, although details pertaining to the firm and the exact method through which riders will be able to tap into bus locations is not quite ready for public release.
“We are working on the final steps before announcing the successful company,” said BC Transit Communications Manager, Jonathan Dyck.
Dyck confirms BC Transit will be in position to release additional details “in the coming months.”
In December of 2016 BC Transit unveiled plans to introduce real-time tracking technology to several transit systems throughout the province, including Victoria, Nanaimo and the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island. Users can expect smartphone and web-based tracking tools, and signage at key transit exchanges.
Bus tracking plans are part of a $160-million investment by the federal and provincial governments to make British Columbia’s transit services "smarter and safer" through the installation of security cameras, passenger counters and tracking technology accessible by the public.
Meanwhile BC Transit's plans to extend Victoria's transit priority lanes along Douglas Street have been pushed back due to cost overruns.
The Victoria Transit Commission says bids received for a budgeted $6.5-million north and southbound transit lane extention between Tolmie Avenue and Saanich Road will be shelved. However, a second request for proposals will attempt to secure less costlier bids this fall. C

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