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Organic veggie garden comes to life at Dockside Green

A "GrowSpace" vegetable garden has sprung up on surplus land at Vic West's Dockside Green development. Proponents plan to supply its organically grown produce to nearby restaurants.

Organic veggie garden comes to life at Dockside Green

Vic West's Dockside Green development is about to get a little greener with the installation of an organic vegetable "GrowSpace."

Created by Victoria-based Topsoil, a gardening company extracting untapped food production potential from urban spaces, GrowSpace uses movable planters to create gardens on rooftops or otherwise non-arable land. And the one thing Dockside Green has plenty of while awaiting future phases of construction just happens to be the key ingredient for Topsoil's operations.

The company has secured a portion of the development's Harbour Road frontage as the location of its newest GrowSpace. Situated minutes from downtown Victoria, produce harvested in Vic West will be supplied on foot or by bicycle to (soon-to-be-revealed) nearby restaurants championing the hyper-local farm-to-table (or in this case, GrowSpace-to-table) concept.

Topsoil's urban gardens offer a variety of vegetables such as cucumbers, arugula, lettuce, basil, mint and kale with a same-day delivery model satisfying each client's unique list of ingredients in quantities for one or two days of business.

An official announcement for the Dockside Green GrowSpace and information on participating restaurants will be made later this week. To see the setup in action, head to Harbour Road in Vic West where crews are currently installing planters in preparation for the spring growing season. C


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