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More rentals planned for Quadra Villa development on Quadra St. at Topaz Ave.

Artist's rendering of a proposal to build two three-storey rental buildings on a surface parking lot on between Quadra and Fifth streets near Topaz Avenue. Block A, pictured, fronts onto Fifth Street. Block B will overlook Quadra Street.  Eric Barker Architect.

More rentals planned for Quadra Villa development on Quadra St. at Topaz Ave.

The Quadra-Hillside neighbourhood's Quadra Villa development may grow by an additional two buildings and 24-units, according to rezoning documents filed with the City of Victoria.

Designed by Xavier Crespo of Victoria-based Eric Barker Architect, two three-storey woodframe buildings are proposed for a portion of a surface parking lot on the south side of the Quadra Villa property bordered by Quadra Street, Topaz Avenue and Fifth Street. Homes will range between 370 and 636 square feet in bachelor and two bedroom layouts with 12 offering ground level access. Some 50 surface parking stalls will be retained while 23 secured bicycle stalls and racks for 12 bicycles will be provided.

The existing 64-unit Quadra Villa development, comprised of eight staggered two-storey buildings, underwent a $2 million renovation between 2011 and 2013 by former owner League Assets Corp. The now-bankrupt developer initially planned to transform the site of the proposed rental buildings into four lowrise condos. Despite receiving approvals to proceed to a public hearing the project stalled following League Assets' financial unraveling. C


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