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16-storey rental tower proposed at Caledonia and Blanshard streets

Artist's rendering of a 16-storey rental tower proposed as the second phase of the Hudwon Walk development at the corner of Caledonia and Blanshard streets. The tower in the background is the development's first phase, currently under construction.  Townline.

16-storey rental tower proposed at Caledonia and Blanshard streets

Richmond-based developer Townline has applied to the City of Victoria to build a 16-storey mixed-use rental and commercial tower on the southwest corner of Caledonia and Blanshard streets.

The building is the second phase of Townline's Hudson Walk development, a continuation to the north of the multi-phased Hudson Place project that includes the restored former Hudson's Bay Department Store on Douglas Street.

The first phase of Hudson Walk, currently under construction, is a 16-storey tower with 178 rental apartments and 2,690 square feet of ground floor commercial space.

Hudson Walk massing and aerial
Approximate massing and aerial of the second phase of Townline's Hudson Walk project at Caledonia and Blanshard streets.

Phase two will include 106 apartments offering one bedroom, two bedroom and townhome units. Approximately 3,500 square feet of ground floor commercial space will front onto Caledonia and Blanshard streets.

Construction is expected to begin by late 2015 or early 2016 with completion in 2017. C

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  • Looking for a new-build rental apartment? Search Citified for the most complete listings
  • For rental apartment statistics, see Citified's Data section
  • Learn more about Hudson Walk, phase 2 on Citified | Discuss the Hudson Walk development on VibrantVictoria
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Additional reading:

Victoria poised for record breaking volume of office construction



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