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113 rental apartments pitched for Johnson Street at Quadra Street

An artist's rendering depicting the third design revision of Alpah Project Development's proposal to construct a rental tower on Johnson Street at Quadra Street in downtown Victoria. The development site is presently a vacant parcel.  Alpha Project Developments

113 rental apartments pitched for Johnson Street at Quadra Street
A fourth design has been submitted to the City of Victoria for a residential tower proposed along the 1400-block of Quadra Street at Johnson Street in downtown Victoria's Harris Green neighbourhood, Citified has learned.
Victoria-based Alpha Project Developments has applied to redevelop a parcel formerly home to a retail strip and a used car dealership into rental apartments, live-work spaces and a ground floor retail component.
Envisioned with 102-units of one, two and three-bedroom apartments, a ground floor commercial component and 11 work-live residences, the tower’s latest conceptual design shows a drop in height from 15-storeys to 14, a bulkier albeit more refined exterior design, and a reduction in residential density to 113-units from 118. Unit sizes have also been shuffled to reduce larger suites with layouts in excess of 1,000 square feet to a maximum size of just below 900 square feet.
Two previous designs featured straighter lines along the tower's shaft and facades with more glass.
Pending municipal approvals, the project is expected to get underway by late 2018 or mid-2019 with construction completion by 2021.

Alpha's proposal is the latest in a series of residential towers that have recently materialized or are underway within a one block radius of the Johnson Street site.
Between the 800-blocks of Yates and Johnson streets just steps from Alpha's proposal crews have begun excavation for two 20-storey residential towers by Chard Development. Known as the Yates on Yates and Vivid at the Yates, the two highrises will deliver over 250-suites by late 2020 or early 2021.
One block to the southeast Alpha Project Developments is finishing construction of a 17-storey, 88-unit condominium tower along the 900-block of Yates Street opposite the London Drugs complex. The high-end residential tower, dubbed Legato, has been under construction since 2015.
Also by Chard Development, the 15-storey, 209-unit Yello on Yates tower is days away from receiving residential occupancy along the 800-block of Yates Street behind the Capital 6 theatre complex. The tower spans the 800-block between both Yates and View streets. C
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