West Wind Harbour is a six-storeycohousing condominium project along the 6600-block of Goodmere Road in the District of Sooke on Victoria's West Shore.
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Is anyone able to zero in on an actual address for this project? And it’s scheduled for mid-2020 completion? Wow.
6603/6609 Goodmere Road, I believe. Sort of below the Mariners Village development, right on the water.
You can make out the early stages of construction on Google Maps:,-123.7170396,163m/data=!3m1!1e3
floorplans and pricing:
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i'm not sure if that means only 8 are left out of the 34.
This project is sold-out now. Completion looks on track for early 2021.
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West Wind Harbour, a 34-suite cohousing condominium project, is nearing completion along Goodsmere Road in Sooke's town centre.

Condominium cohousing projects underway in Sooke and Sidney deliver alternatives to strata-managed market housing
Cohousing concept making gains in Capital Region as two condominiums slated for 2021 completion.