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Boomer boomtown: retirees take massive lead in Capital Region's population growth

The latest Canada census statistics reveal retirees are the driving force behind the Capital Region's population spike between 2011 and 2016.

Boomer boomtown: retirees take massive lead in Capital Region's population growth
The Capital Region is a bonafide boomtown for boomers and seniors, according to the latest census data released by Statistics Canada.
Between 2011 and 2016 the regional population increased to 367,770 individuals from 344,580, a rise of 6.7%. Over that period Victorians aged 65 or older increased by a nearly 23%, a growth spurt far surpassing all other age groups.
In total 77,775 Victorians are now considered of retirement age, compared to 63,435 just five years prior (a difference of 14,340). As a percentage of the total population, boomers aged 65-plus now represent 21.1% of the region's make-up compared to 18.4% in 2011.
The population of adults aged 20-to-44 grew by 5.2%, or 5,740 individuals, and now accounts for 117,240 inhabitants or 31.9% of the regional population (a slight decrease from 32.4% in 2011).
Youth aged to 19-years increased in population to 66,605 from 64,260 in 2011, a rise of 3.7%. The regional share of young Victorians fell from 18.7% to 18.1%.
Older adults aged 45-to-64 also lost out as a percentage of the population and now comprise 28.9% of the region’s make-up, a drop from 30.6%. Population growth among the cohort accounted for a rise of just 0.7% to 106,150 individuals from 105,430.
Province-wide, individuals aged 65 and over represent 18.3% of the population, two percentage points above Canada's national average of 16.3%. The provinces with the highest number of seniors are New Brunswick and Nova Scotia each with retirees accounting for 19.9% of the their respective populations. C

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